v 0.1


 in this new update i have added a few more things to the game like: 

  • laser guy. he shoots lasers that will alert all guards. 
  • secret level with entrance at level 4. this level features some new elements i have been workking on. 
  • settings. the settings dont do much now but i hope it will improve performance.
  • cheats. different cheats that do different things.
  • color limitor. a filter that limits the amount of colors the game is alowed to display. the lower you set it the less color it is allowed to display. if it is set to anything under 1 it will be disabled.

that is pretty much all the new features in version 0.1

i still have some ideas left that i want to put in the game, but for now i hope you enjoy the game. 


ninjay early access v0.1.zip 33 MB
Feb 03, 2024

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